NameJasper Newton IVEY
Birth10 Apr 1847, Rushville, Schuyler, Illinois
Death4 Jan 1929, Virginia, Cass, Illinois [27] Age: 81
Death MemoTombstone says 1930
BurialWalnut Ridge Cemetery, Virginia, Cass, Illinois
Misc. Notes
1. 1900 U.S. Census
IVEY, Jasper N. entry, 1900 U.S. Census, Cass Street, Virginia Precinct, Virginia City, Cass Co., Illinois, Enumeration District 14, Supervisor's District 10, Sheet 15B, lines 88 - 92,
Date Census taken 18 June 1900, dwelling 361, family 372, Micropublication T- 623 Roll 240, National Archives, Washington, D.C
Sheet 15B
Line 88, Ivey, Jasper N. entry, Head, W, M, Apr 1850, Age 50, Married 25 Years, PoB - Illinois, PoB Father - Kentucky, PoB Mother - Indiania, Laborer, 5 months unemployed, Reads, Writes & Speaks English - Yes, Rents House.
Line 89, Lucy J., Wife, W, F, Aug 1855, Age 44, Married 25 Years, 9 Children, 5 Living, PoB - Virginia,
PoB Father - Virginia, PoB Mother - Virginia, Reads, Writes & Speaks English - Yes.
Line 90, Grace P., Daughter, W, F, Oct 1882, Age 17, Single, PoB - Kansas, PoB Father - Illinois,
PoB Mother - Virginia, At School, 8 months, Reads, Writes & Speaks English - Yes.
Line 91, John E., Son, W, M, Nov 1886, Age 13, Single, PoB - Kansas, PoB Father - Illinois,
PoB Mother - Virginia, At School, 8 months, Reads, Writes & Speaks English - Yes.
Line 92, Beulah, Daughter, W, F, Aug 1893, Age 6, Single, PoB - Kansas, PoB Father - Illinois,
PoB Mother - Virginia, At School, 7 months.
2. 1910 U.S. Census
IVEY, Jasper N. entry, 1910 U.S. Census, Sylvan Ave., Virginia Precinct (Virginia City), Ward 1, Cass Co., Illinois, Enumeration District 29, Supervisor's District 11, Sheet 2A, lines 5 - 10, Printed page 284,
Written Page 6301, Date Census taken 16 April 1910, dwelling 26, family 26, Micropublication T- 624 Roll 233, National Archives, Washington, D.C
Sheet 2A
Line 5, IVEY, Jasper N., Head, M, W, Age 60, Married 35 Years, PoB - Illinois, PoB Father - Kentucky, PoB Mother - Indiania, Speaks English , Laborer, Anything, Wages, Full Time,
Read & Write - Yes, Own, Mortgaged, House.
Line 6, Lucy J., Wife, F, W, Age 54, Married 35 Years, 9 Children, 5 Living, PoB - Virginia,
PoB Father - Virginia, PoB Mother - Virginia, Speaks English , Occupation - None.
Read & Write - Yes.
Line 7, Grace P., Daughter, F, W, Age 27, Single, PoB - Kansas, PoB Father - Illinois,
PoB Mother - Virginia, Speaks English, Seamstress, Dress Maker, Wages, Full Time,
Read & Write - Yes.
Line 8, John E., Son, M, W, Age 23, Single, PoB - Kansas, PoB Father - Illinois,
PoB Mother - Virginia, Speaks English, Cigar Maker, Own Shop, Self Employed,
Read & Write - Yes.
Line 9, Beulah E., Daughter, F, W, Age 16, Single, PoB - Illinois, PoB Father - Illinois,
PoB Mother - Virginia, Speaks English, Occupation - None, Read & Write - Yes.
Line 10, Clarice, Grandson, M, W, Age 13, Single, PoB - Illinois, PoB Father - Illinois,
PoB Mother - Illinois, Speaks English, Occupation - None, Read & Write - Yes.
3. From the Illinois Statewide Death index 1916 - 1950; Illinois State Archives:
Newton IVEY; Certificate #0090020; Date of Death 4 Jan 1929; Virginia, Cass County; Date Filed 5 Jan 1929.
Birth8 Aug 1854, ,, Virginia
Death1 Nov 1930, Virginia, Cass, Illinois [27] Age: 76
BurialWalnut Ridge Cemetery, Virginia, Cass, Illinois
Misc. Notes
1. From the Illinois Statewide Death index 1916 - 1950; Illinois State Archives:
Lucinda Jane Ivey; Certificate #0090142; Date of Death 1 Nov 1930; Virginia, Cass County; Date Filed 1 Nov 1930.
Marriage21 Jun 1874, Newmansville, Cass, Illinois [32]
Marr MemoRev. J W Warfield, United Methodist Church
Misc. Notes
1. Illinois Statewide Marriage Index 1763-1900:
IVEY, JASPER NEWTON; Bride: HALL, LUCINDA JANE; County: CASS; Date: 06/21/1874; Vol/Page: III/ 62; Lic#2947
2. 1880 US Census; 3rd Ward, Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas; FHL Film 1254381; National Archives Film T9-0381; Page 132C
Jasper N. Ivey, Head, Age 30, POB - Illinois, Occupation - Laborer, Father POB - Indiana, Mother POB - Indiana
Lucy Ivey, Wife, Age 24, POB - Virginia, Father POB - Virginia, Mother POB - Virginia
Eddie L. Ivey, Son, Age 4, POB - Illinois
William H. Ivey, Son, Age 2, POB - Kansas
Eliza J. Vermilion,Other, Occupation - Servant, Female, Age 11, POB - Missouri, Father POB - Illinois, Mother POB - Missouri
William Hugoff, Other, Male, Age 19, POB - Illinois, Occupation - Laborer, Father POB - Indiana, Mother POB - Indiana
John W. Spears, Other, Male, Age 20, POB - Illinois, Occupation - Laborer, Father POB - Kentucky, Mother POB - Virginia
3. 1910 US Census, Illinois, Cass County, Virginia Precinct, Virginia City, 1st Ward, Enumeration District 29, Sheet 2A, Enumerated 16 April 1910:Jasper N. Ivey; Head; Age 60; Married 35 years; POB Illinois; Father POB Kentucky; Mother POB Indiana; Occupation - Laborer, anything; Working; Number of weeks out of work in 1909 - 0; Owns home; Mortgaged; Able to Read and Write - Yes
Lucy J. Ivey; Wife; Age 50; Married 35 years; Mother of 7 children, 5 still living; POB Virginia; Father POB Virginia; Mother POB Virginia; Able to Read and Write - Yes
Grace P. Ivey; Daughter; Age 27; Single; POB Illinois; Occupation - Seamstress; Working for Dress Maker; Number of weeks out of work in 1909 - 0; Able to Read and Write - Yes
John E. Ivey; Son; Age23; Single; POB Kansas; Occupation - Cigar Maker; Owns own shop; Able to Read and Write - Yes
Beulah E. Ivey; Daughter; Age 16; Single; POB Illinois; Able to Read and Write - Yes
Clarice Ivey; Grandson; Age 13; Single; POB Illinois; Able to Read and Write - Yes
4. From the 1900 US Census, Illinois, Cass, Virginia Pricinct, Virginia City, District 14, Sheet 15, Enumerated 18 June 1900:Jasper N. Ivy; Head; DOB April 1850; Age 50; Married 25 years; POB Illinois; Father POB Kentucky; Mother POB Indiana; Occupation - Laborer; Rents Home
Lucy J. Ivy; Wife; DOB April 1855; Age 44; Mother of 9 children, 5 Still Living; POB Virginia; Father POB Virginia; mother POB Virginia
Grace P. Ivy; Daughter; DOB Oct 1882; Age 17; Single; POB Kansas; Attends School
John E. Ivy; Son; DOB Nov 1886; Age 13; Single; POB Kansas; Attends School
Beulah Ivy; Daughter; DOB Aug 1893; Age 6; POB Illinois; Attends School
5. Pearl Ivey is shown living with her parents in the 1920 US Census. Also shown are two grandsons of Jasper Newton, Elmer E. Ivey (age 8) and Frederick D. Ivey (age 5). Both born in Indianna. Also living with the family are a boarder, Curtis McNeeley, widow, age 48, born in Illinois, and a sister-in-law of Jasper Ivey, Elizabeth Trendway, widow, age 58, born in Virginia.