Birth10 Mar 1841, ,, Pennsylvania [42], [388]
Death22 Nov 1894 [388] Age: 53
Burial MemoOld Union Cemetery (Sec B, Block 1, Lot 31)
Misc. Notes
1. 1870 US Census shows an Elizabeth A. Nicholas (age 18) living with Andrew and his wife. Was Elizabeth a sister of Anna Nicholas Comstock?
Death26 Mar 1910, Lincoln, Logan, Illinois [388], [204] Age: 71
BurialLincoln, Logan, Illinois [99]
Burial MemoOld Union Cemetery (Sec B, Block 1, Lot 31)
Misc. Notes
1. From the 1860 US Census, Illinois, Logan, Sugar Creek Precinct, Post Office: Lawndale, Page 80, Enumerated 26 June 1860:
Amelia Comstock; Head; Age 55; Female; Occupation - Farming; Value of Personal Estate - $400, POB Virginia.
Elijah Comstock; Age 22; Male; Occupation - Farmer; POB Kentucky.
Andrew Comstock; Age 21; Male; POB Kentucky.
John W. Comstock; Age 12; Male; POB Kentucky; Attends School.
Marriage1 Jan 1862, , Logan, Illinois [388], [32]
Misc. Notes
1. From the 1880 US Census, Illinois, Logan, Lincoln, FHL Film 1254227, National Archives Film T9-0227, Page 220D:
Andrew Comstock; Head; Married; Age 42; POB Kentucky; Occupation - Teaming; Father POB Connecticut; Mother POB Pennsylvania.
Anna Comstock; Wife; Married; Age 39; POB Pennsylvania; Father POB Pennsylvania; Mother POB Pennsylvania.
Owen I. Comstock; Son; Single; Age 15; POB Illinois; Attends School.
Bessie S. Comstock; Daughter; Age 11; POB Illinois; Attends School.
Willard W. Comstock; Son; Age 9; POB Kansas.
Jesse Comstock; Son; Age 7; POB Kansas.
Charles C. Comstock; Son; POB Illinois.
Queenie Comstock; Daughter; POB Illinois.
Francis M. Comstock; Son; Age 3m; POB Illinois.